Importance of Group Study

There are numerous arguments in the favor of group study same and evidence is also available in support of self-study. Hence, it is not possible to choose one of them because both of them are beneficial and keep valuable advantages. It is up to the student where he feels comfortable; in a group or studying alone. Below, I will discuss the positive and negative sides of studying alone and studying in a group, so that you can select the best option for yourself and get a further understanding of essay writing services.

Advantages of Self-Study

1)      When you study alone, you have full control over your study sessions. Neither you need to stay on topic which you already did, nor do you have to move forward without grabbing everything on the topic.

2)      You can make your schedule according to your suitable time.

3)      There are no distractions when you study alone, and you might fully focus on the material. In case of feeling procrastination, take a break but don’t lose your focus.

4)      Self-study also allows you to repeat the concept again and again unless you become a master at it because you don’t need to work side by side with anyone.

5)      You experience independence.

6)      Lame jokes don’t grab your attention.

7)      You can decide when enough is enough.

Advantages of Group Study

1)      Group study allows you to discuss a topic, and discussion enables you to understand the topic in detail as well as effectively.

2)      When you sit with your friends and study, you have some enjoyment too.

3)      Your friends motivate you when you start losing focus.

4)      You can judge yourself by giving a test in front of your friends.

5)      Group study is the best way to expand information and knowledge because it is a mini-classroom where you teach and learn.

Disadvantages of Studying Alone

1)      You are unable to clarify your queries as well as you cannot do cross-questions.

2)      You cannot compare your notes.

3)      You have to rely only on your information.

4)      When you study alone, the chances of using a mobile phone get increased because nobody is around who will stop you and make you concentrate on your studies.

5)      You have to be a self-motivated person.

Disadvantages of Group Study

1)      You have to tolerate the non-serious attitude of your friend.

2)      You have to stick with only one schedule and place.

3)      If anybody is absent, the entire group will suffer.

4)      You might be engaged in gossip or loss-talk etc.

5)      It can also happen, even after sitting together for many hours, you gain nothing. So take help from an essay writing service.


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