Lean Canvas



Lean Canvas uses the same As an entrepreneur, one of the most important tasks you can perform is getting your idea(s) out of your head into a tangible format so that you can communicate that with others. In the past, this usually meant a well-researched business plan that would usually take weeks (more like months) to create.

As a business entrepreneur, you have to get ideas out of your head onto paper so that others can see and help build the problem solution. Traditional business plans are not relevant in the ideation stage, they take too much time and are usually created without any validated learning. Business plans are more suited to once you have a business running and are looking to scale.

Before we jump into the Lean Canvas format it’s important to point out that Lean Canvas has been adapted by Ash Maurya from the very popular Business Model Canvas by Alexander Osterwalder.

9 blocks concept except they’ve been modified slightly to suit the needs/ purposes/requirements of a Lean Startup. The Lean Canvas is the perfect one-page format for brainstorming possible business models, the blocks guide you through logical steps starting with your customer problems right through to your unfair advantage (often the hardest block to answer).

The major headings are:

1.      Problem

2.      Solution

3.      Key matrices

4.      Cost structure

5.      Revenue streams

6.      Unique Value Proposition

7.      Unfair Advantage

8.      Customer Segmentation

9.      Channels


In this heading, you have to write the top three problems for which you are making the solution.


Write the three solutions to the problems you will offer to your customers.

Key Matrices:

Write down the key parameter you measure for your business.

Cost Structure:

Copy down your fixed and variables cost, your capital and loans, etc.

Revenue Streams:

The way you make revenues comes under this heading.

Unique Value Proposition:

The one lie sentence shows why customers take your service.

Unfair Advantage:

The parameters show that your idea can’t be easily copied or bought.

Customer Segmentation:

Your customer groups are defined under this heading.


Your communication way to the customers.

There are lots of templates available online, but it is a little bit hard to find the standard template, so the Coursework provider expert writer can write a lean canvas for you on the standard template.


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