Plastic is Hazardous

Plastic is a polymeric material whose molecules are so capacious and do not decompose in water. The polymers of plastic are flexible or pliable. The molecules of plastic are sturdy and long lasted. According to research most common or conventional plastics are non-biodegradable such as polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) and polyethylene terephthalate. Some of plastics are not a curse because it is cheap, durable and easy to produce but increasing concentration of these plastics are ultimatum to any ecosystem. Many developed countries that have low rates of recycling or reusing are badly affected by plastic pollution. Plastics are long lasted material and are peril for human health also.

Plastics are very hazardous for all the entities and for the environment. Pollution of plastic is one of the most concerned issues of today’s world. Speedy accumulation of disposable plastic products engulf the planet and create many drastic changes. Further details about plastic pollution can be guided by Best Dissertation Writing Service.

Repercussions of plastic pollution:


·        Polyester can cause eye and respiratory tract irritation and acute skin rashes.

·        Polycarbonates of water bottles can result in cancer, diabetes, hyperactivity, impaired immune function, and many others.

·        Polystyrene which is used in many food containers could increase the ratio of lymphatic and hematopoietic cancer.

·       Acrylic acids are also used in the manufacture of plastic. It’s exposure to vapors causes irritation of aye and burning sensation. It is also toxic to animals when they inhale it from the atmosphere.

·        Acrylic also cause fatigue, headache, nausea and breathing difficulties.

·        Cushions, mattresses, and pillows are made from polyurethane foam and cause asthma and other breathing problems, throat, and eye irritation, etc.

·        Urea-formaldehyde is considered as a carcinogenic. Inhaling of formaldehyde can cause watery eyes, swollen throat, breathing problems, headache.

Impact of Plastic on the Environment

Plastic has toxic pollutants that distract the environment and causes air, water, and land pollution. Plastic waste in water bodies also damages aquatic life. It can take thousands of years to decompose or break-down, so the damage to the environment is long-lasting.

·        Most of the marine pollution is due to the higher amount of plastic wastes. These plastics are consumed by the marine animals and the massive pollutants stuck in their stomach. Also, they get entwined into plastic wastes and die soon. According to research, about 100,000 marine animals die every year due to plastic debris.

·        Plastic pollution also promotes the production of mosquitoes because many mosquito larvae feed on plastic. However, the greater concentration of mosquitoes is directly proportional to the greater number of severe diseases.

·        Most of the soil contamination is also due to plastic wastes. The chlorinated water releases disastrous chemicals on the surrounding soil which then enter into the groundwater or landfills and cause severe pollution of our land.



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